Awareness of Women's Hair Loss

By Janice Brown

Women's hair loss happens a lot more frequently than you might think. While it is true that male baldness commands more attention than hair loss in women, the latter happens almost just as much as it does in men. So why don't you hear about it as often?

The most obvious reason that a woman might lose her hair is to cancer therapy treatments. Thinning and loss of hair due to chemotherapy is a well-documented side-effect. Fortunately, there is so much help and support available to women in this category. There are even charities that are devoted to helping women find wigs that are made out of real hair so that they can look as "natural" as possible while they wait for their hair to start growing back on its own.

One obvious cause that we'll point out right away concerns the different treatments involving cancer therapy. Hair loss or significant thinning can be caused by chemotherapy treatments. Fortunately, there is so much help and support available to women in this category. Women who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment can receive free wigs made from real hair by certain charitable organizations. Female hormones can cause this kind of situation, as well. When her hormones become imbalanced, quite a few different issues can arise. Things such as weight changes, or mood shifts, and of course changes in energy levels. The range of effect on hair include outright hair loss, or maybe some degree of thinning, but also an interruption in the growth cycle. If you notice changes in any of these areas over time, then of course the best thing to do is see your family doctor. Your doctor can check your hormones and tell you whether or not you need to start some hormone therapy to balance yourself out.

One big contributor to hair loss in women is menopause. Menopause can be a tremendously difficult time for a woman because of all the changes that are happening. In fact, a woman loses more hair through shedding and other problems after she goes through menopause than she typically does beforehand. The main reason for this phenomenon is due to a drop in estrogen levels and the effect is has on other chemicals. Sadly, for women who lose a lot of hair due to this, it will not grow back even if replacement therapy for her hormones is undertaken. Talk with your doctor about the other options that are available to you.

Women's hair loss isn't as widely publicized as it is with men's hair loss. We have no idea as to why this happens. It could very well be that women are less inclined to be vocal about this condition simply due to the embarrassment of it. Hopefully this will change. But with enough time and awareness, these problems women face will be better understood and dealt with.

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