Preventing Women's Hair Loss with Proper Hair Care

By Elena Lopes

Can women's hair loss really be stopped by good hair care? There is no real definitive answer on this. Unfortunately, all women cannot prevent hair loss this easily. No matter how well you treat your hair, it won't stop hair loss if you have a genetic predisposition for this. What it can do is make sure that the hair you have left is healthy and well maintained. Keeping your hair and your scalp healthy are vital if you want to prevent hair loss. Let's face it, it doesn't matter who you are or what you are, losing your hair is not something that you are looking forward to. The following suggestions on hair care should be useful for you.

Avoid hair styles that require pulling on the hair. Very tight ponytails, or even the bun, is not a good idea due to the pulling. There are many styles that use curls that are tight, and they need to be avoided along with pigtails.

Hair dye is something that perhaps almost all women have given a shot at least once. For many women, hair dye is an addiction. Ok, do not start with the roots when you begin to dye your hair. Instead leave those for the last ten or fifteen minutes. What you can inadvertantly do is cause your follicles to be filled with dye, and then you could cause inflammation or even an infection. You could accidentally start your own condition that causes your women's hair loss. A professional hair colorist will do it properly and safely. It will cost more, of course, but it will be done with your safety in mind and it will look good.

This should not need to be said, yet we will - combing your hair every day is extremely important. Depending on your type of hair, if you have to use a brush, then use it every day. If you do not comb your hair every day it will get matted and your scalp could get clogged with too much oil. Dreadlocks may look cool to you but they are not good for your scalp and are a good way to invite conditions that cause women's hair loss.

When considering women's hair loss, it may seem unimportant to be worrying about hair care. For many women, the prospect of hair loss is quite emotionally painful. If you take good care of your hair, however, your chances of losing your hair to things like infections or scalp conditions are greatly reduced. Apart from hair loss, proper hair care also ensures that however much hair you have will look its best. So, if you want to prevent losing your hair then you need to work hard at keeping those follicles happy.

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