Tested Beauty Tips To Smooth Silky Hair Without Chemicals Without Visiting The Salon At Home

By Eugene Yeng

"The grass is always greener on the other side" may be the best description of how most women judge their appearance. It is a known fact that the color, as well as the texture of your hair are predetermined genetically. But the fact that you are reading this article is just as true, which means that you currently are not completely happy with some aspect of your hair. The following are a few tested beauty tips to smooth silky hair.

First and foremost, you need to acknowledge that any type of treatment that may be given to you by your stylist, your favorite fashion magazine, your book of "how-to's", or the internet, is not meant to completely change your hair texture. If you were born with fine, thin hair, you are not likely to be able to make it much stronger and thicker. Your best option is to follow a routine that will make it as healthy as it can get.

Healthy nutrition and a balanced diet will help you treat your hair and give it a better look. Drinking enough liquids daily can really make a difference in your look as well as your mood. Drink as much water and juice as possible, and avoid all types of sodas and carbonated drinks. Fruits and vegetables have the essential vitamins needed for healthy skin, eyes as well as hair texture, nails, and teeth. Make sure to take either or both in your regular diet. You should also include eggs and milk products that are rich in proteins and calcium to promote your overall health. Fish and red meat have rich iron content which helps in developing and repairing of the hair cells. For vegetarians, lentils, nuts and eggs, as well as artificial supplements that can be found in pharmacies are the main source of iron.

Try to avoid fast foods and preservatives. Natural organic foods are your best option. But most importantly, do not get caught up in following the nutrition pyramid so much that it would cause you a nutrition disorder. Watch your weight, as it can significantly affect the texture of your hair.

Exposure to sunlight has a positive effect on the human body generally as it provides the much needed Vitamin D that accelerates calcium absorption to promote healthy bones and hair. Don't go with the misconception that sunlight will harm your hair but overexposure will sure have bad effects. Expose yourself to direct sunlight when it is not at its peek.

Do not wash your hair too often. It secretes oils that help it preserve its shine. If your scalp is excessively oily, you may want to try using dry shampoo. It is a powder that dries the unwanted oil from your scalp without exposing it to water.

Proper scalp massages with your fingers promote proper blood circulation in the capillaries, helping the blood cells supply the required nutrients. After having your hair tied up in a ponytail for a while, always let it loose for a few minutes and massage your scalp before tying it back.

Whenever possible, avoid using heat on your hair. Try new, heatless styles that do not require using a blow-dryer, a straightener, or a curling iron.

If you follow these tips, you will see your appearance improving surprisingly quickly. You should be able to see a significant difference in your hair texture in a couple of weeks.

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