Did You Know This About Women's Hair Loss?

By Manueel Jacky

The incidence of hair loss in women is pretty much the same as it is for men. But it's fascinating that women experience this for more reasons then is true for me. What are those reasons for women's hair loss? Are there any effective preventive measures women can take? Do you think people, in general, would be very surprised that this occurs so much in women? We want to share with you just some of the reasons why women can lose their hair.

For men, you know there is male pattern hair loss. And women have the same condition, and it's called female pattern baldness. It's similar to androgenic alopecia, but it's different for women. The thing about women is that the pattern that the hair is lost is different. The usualy progression in men is that there are specific spots where it begins and then moves out to other places. Women begin to thin at the crown, and all over the top, and it gets thinner.

Female hormones can cause this kind of situation, as well. This situation with her chemistry can produce a range of effects. Energy levels can be affected as well as moods and weight. As far as hair is concerned, there can be thinning, loss, or it can stop growing. If you notice changes in any of these areas over time, then of course the best thing to do is see your family doctor. Of course tests can be performed on your chemistry, and then appropriate action can be taken.

The name for the primary cause of thinning and the baldness is, alopecia areata. Actually this is a distinct autoimmune type of disorder. But you cannot detect this by yourself. You'll need to see your doctor, and he/she will make that determination. If you detect that your hair is starting to thin, then the thing to do is make an appointment with your doctor. Yet there is good news to this story because it is a condition that can be treated. The reason it can be treated is due to the fact that it involves the autoimmune functions. When you see your doctor, you'll be given a way to treat it that will work best for you.

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