FUE Hair Transplant - An Effective Way to Overcome Your Baldness

By Samantha Richards

FUE hair transplant is considered as one of the modern and effective method of surgical hair restoration that you can use nowadays. The term FUE means Follicular Unit Extraction and it can give you very amazing cosmetic results especially if you compare it with the older styles of punch graft and strip incision transplant. In FUE the scarring is also very less unlike any other hair transplant method.

While you are having hair transplant, the area from where the hair is taken is called donor area. In the older methods of hair transplantation, a whole strip of skin used to be taken off from the back of the head and it usually resulted into pretty big scars that put short hair cuts out of question. If these scars stretch a lot then they could form disfiguring features at the back of your head.

The reason why FUE is a much preferred choice rather than other methods is because the scarring is not very much visible in this technique of hair transplantation. FUE is suitable for even people who have little donor hair and also for people who have tight scalp. If you wish to cut your hair short after hair transplantation then FUE is the only way you should go for; the healing time in this method is much shorter.

Prior going for FUE hair transplant a surgeon would check you to see if you are fit for the procedure, surgeon would also check the amount of donor hair and the density of hair in the donor area. This will help the surgeon to decide and determine how much bald area of your head will be covered effectively. You can always have a hair transplant but it's not about whether you can have it or not, but how much bald area will be covered in that procedure.

In FUE hair transplant the hairs are taken in tiny follicular units (1-3 hairs) and then they are directly transplanted into the scalp of the patient. These hairs are easily transplanted into the desired area of the patient and it doesn't require the skin of the patient to be cut away. With FUE you will get some scars but they will be the size of a pin prick on your skin and to see them you would need to use a magnifying glass.

The older methods of hair transplants are getting outdated very quickly and the whole credit goes to FUE hair transplantation which is very successful. In a single session of FUE, patients get more than 8,000 hairs transplanted from the donor area to the desired area of the head.

People often think about the price of this whole procedure of FUE hair transplant, well this is a little expensive procedure but it also depends on which surgeon you visit to get it done. The prices vary at every clinic, though it's not a very cheap option but the satisfaction and confidence you will get from it will be worth the investment.

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