What is the Best Way to Deal with Women's Hair Loss?

By Eric Huff

Every woman deals with her hair loss differently. One type of woman considers this just another phase in her life and doesn't get upset. A different kind of woman will experience this as one of the most stressful times of her life. Shaving her head completely would be the response of still another. There is always a workable plan for women facing hair loss, no matter who they are. However, when you find yourself dealing with this, it can be hard to know what to do. If you are facing women's hair loss, you should find the tips that follow helpful in guiding you.

However, discovering the best technique for coping with your hair loss can be a daunting task. In this article we discuss some of the more accepted techniques for handling thinning hair.

Have you tested out alternative eating habits? You may not believe it, but the foods you do and do not eat can be huge factors in your hair growth and loss. If you observe the thinning of your hair, ask your doctor to do a physical on you and reveal whether or not you're missing some crucial vitamins or mineral in your diet.

Some women opt for treating their hair loss through herbal methods. Some herbs like palmetto are known to work about the same as prescriptions for hair growth work. By all means, prior to raiding the aisles at your local health food mart or spending a bunch of money on supplements, discuss this with a nutritionist or a medial professional. Make sure there isn't a medical reason for your hair loss before you take the herbal route. And, like always, speak to a professional herbologist to be sure that you won't unintentionally be doing more damage than good to yourself.

Propecia is given to men who desire to fight again hair loss, quite a bit. To be sure, it is one of two FDA approved medications for men (Rogaine is the other) who want to regrow hair. The FDA has not given their go-ahead for women to use this. That does not mean that you are forbidden to try it of course. Experimentations have proclaimed some success from this drug. The fact is, the side effects of the drug that men find so displeasing (markedly the decrease in libido) do not seem to happen for women.

Men do this all the time when they realize that they are starting to get thin on top. There's no reason why women can't do this too. It is actually becoming more common and accepted for women to make this choice. Of course, this can get cold in the winter and you will have to take care to protect your scalp from sunburns. On the plus side, your showers will become much simpler. You will no longer have to allocate a budget for items related to your hair. Our only word of caution is this: when the hair starts to grow back in, it will itch. Unless you want to deal with scabs on your scalp in addition to hair loss, avoid scratching!

Women's hair loss is becoming more and more talked about. You should be happy about this! This shows that people consider this an important issue, so more treatments will be sought! If you are facing hair loss, you have a number of options. Talk to your doctor and your family; you will figure out which methods are best for you!

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