Women's Hair Loss - Did You Know These Facts?

By Elena Lopes

Women's hair loss happens a lot more frequently than you might think. Male baldness gets quite a lot of attention but the truth is that women lose their hair just as often and, maybe surprisingly, for more reasons than men do. What are the reasons for more awareness of male hair loss?

Medical treatments for cancer are one definite cause for this condition in women. The primary treatment that causes this is chemotherapy. Hair loss is traumatic to begin with, and women undergoing cancer treatment can readily find supportive and helpful information in this area. There are even charities that are devoted to helping women find wigs that are made out of real hair so that they can look as "natural" as possible while they wait for their hair to start growing back on its own.

It's no wonder with all the incredible changes occurring during pregnancy that a woman's hair is also greatly affected. Some women lose hair faster than normal and others will grow it faster than normal. After childbirth, the hair will begin to shed pretty fast for the women who experienced more hair growth.

Naturally, if a mother doesn't know about this it can be a little bit startling. But be patient about it because all things with your hair will return to normal after your body calms down and does the same. The important thing is to avoid over-reacting to it.

It's certainly a fact that women do not get the same amount of exposure as men concerning hair loss. But we do know that women have hair loss, thinning, or restrained growth, and there are different reasons for those conditions.

However, the cycle of hair growth can be interferred with for genetic reasons in some women. It is a genetically caused condition, so there are no known methods of treating it, at the moment at least. The expression of this condition is random, and does not last forever - the hair will begin to grow again. It can present problems, but you can find ways to address them. Women's hair loss does not get as much publicity as men's hair loss does. This is unfortunate because just as many women are affected by hair loss as men. These are just a few of the reasons that a woman might suffer from hair loss or hair thinning. Yet... we've talked about what is seen in high percentages in women.

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