Hair Care Practices To Prevent Hair Loss in Women

By Eric Huff

Is is possible to stop women's hair loss by taking good care of your hair? There is no real definitive answer on this. It doesn't always work. If the cause of your hair loss is genetic, it can't be prevented by any type of hair care. It can, however, ensure that the hair you do keep is as healthy as possible and that is very important. If you are trying to prevent hair loss, you can certainly help your situation by keeping your hair and scalp as healthy as possible. Losing your hair is an unpleasant and even frightening possibility for most women. You can maximize the health of your hair by keeping the following tips in mind.

It's so important to keep the right amount of moisture in your hair. Avoid letting your hair become brittle through improper amounts of moisture. This means that you should invest in a good conditioner and use it regularly. For those who have excess oil in their hair, then the thing to do is substitute an herbal rinse in place of the conditioner. If you use conditioner on oily hair it will just weigh it down and it won't look or feel very good. The added weight will then put pressure on the hair follicles, and you don't want to do that. If you'd like more information on that subject, just talk to your hair stylist next time.

Just try to avoid pulling because it puts stress and strain on your scalp and it weakens the hair. If you do that too much for too long you can begin shedding a lot of hair. A tight pony tail might look neater but loosening it up even just a little bit can keep your hair a lot healthier. Take a moment every day when you are washing your hair to massage your scalp. The proper technique is to take your fingertips, using the pads, and then apply a gentle yet firm amount of pressure. Naturally if you can ask your partner to do that for you, then so much the better. You'll be promoting more hair growth plus increasing the blood circulation to your scalp. We all know a good massage is a great way to relax, and too much stress for too long can help to promote women's hair loss.

Blow drying your hair is best left for those times when you are in a big rush. The best dryer for your hair is the air. That is a fact. Direct heat focused on your hair makes it more brittle. The heat can also cause your scalp to increase oil production which your hair will like but the rest of your head will not. Since you just washed your hair, you don't want lots of oil in it right away. Letting the air dry your hair is simple and effective. Comb and go!

It can be easy to trivialize proper hair care for some women. Shampoo is not always immediately suspected when hair loss or other problems occur. While hair care might not stop all causes of hair loss, it can certainly prevent at least some of them. However it is effective for prolonging the loss of hair, sometimes. For peace of mind, perhaps talk to your doctor as well as your hair care professional.

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