Known Reasons and Causes For Women's Hair Loss

By Elena Lopes

Women's hair loss is attributed to a variety of causes, and it's also a lot more common than you might think. While it is true that male baldness commands more attention than hair loss in women, the latter happens almost just as much as it does in men. Why so much more attention given to hair loss in men?

There are not many, if any, media programming on the subject of female hair loss problems. What is known at this point is there is more than one reason for a thinning hair condition seen in women. Ok, we'll share some thoughts and facts about thinning hair in women.

Medical treatments for cancer are one definite cause for this condition in women. Hair loss or significant thinning can be caused by chemotherapy treatments. There are stories, magazines, articles, and books dedicated to helping women deal with the effects of this type of baldness. There are even charities that are devoted to helping women find wigs that are made out of real hair so that they can look as "natural" as possible while they wait for their hair to start growing back on its own.

Many women may already know that the time during pregnancy can often have a noticeable impact on their hair. The effect is that some experience rapid hair growth, but for other women the opposite happens. This is quite common after the baby is born when all of the extra hair that grew in while the woman was pregnant starts to be shed.

Naturally, if a mother doesn't know about this it can be a little bit startling. However once the body chemistry and hormones return to normal then things will settle down with the hair. So the main point is to not let it get you too worked-up.

It's obvious that women's hair loss does not garner the equivalent amount of public attention than men's hair loss. So who really knows why this is the case, we don't know. So, if a woman finds that her scalp is getting thin or that she is losing her hair, she is more likely to be embarrassed about it than she is to seek help. We can only hope that this will change in time. Before long the common causes of hair loss in women will be very well known.

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