What Makes Women's Hair Loss Happen?

By Elena Lopes

All around the globe, women experience and suffer from loss of their hair in equivalent numbers as men. But it's fascinating that women experience this for more reasons then is true for me. What contributes to the struggle women face when it comes to this condition? What can be done to stop this from happening with so many women? It's clear that a great deal of attention is paid to hair loss in men, so does this fact about hair loss in women come as any surprise to you? We want to share with you just some of the reasons why women can lose their hair.

Cancer therapies are one well-known cause that many people many know already. The primary treatment that causes this is chemotherapy. Women who are in this group can easily find more than enough information and support for their hair loss. There are even charities that are devoted to helping women find wigs that are made out of real hair so that they can look as "natural" as possible while they wait for their hair to start growing back on its own. One other major cause of hair loss for women is anemia. Lots of women face at least mild anemia because of their biological cycles. When you read the ingredients of a woman's daily vitamin supplement, you'll see a good amount iron in them. There are known methods for treating a deficiency of iron in women, and that would be through diet and supplementation. Before you try to correct your iron deficiency on your own, you should talk to your doctor. A blood test is the only way that anemia can be positively diagnosed. In some severe conditions of anemia, medication is required to effectively treat it. Just remember that a visit to the doctors office is completely recommended.

Actually, there isn't a certain pattern to it because it's all over. Anemia is a leading reason for women's hair loss. Due to biological cycles of women, many of them will experience mild anemia. That is the reason you'll see more iron than men need in a women's supplement. A good and healthy diet plus supplements are common methods of dealing with low iron in women. Naturally if youi believe you have this condition, you should see your doctor before trying to take care of it on your own. Anemia can only be diagnosed with a blood test. In some severe conditions of anemia, medication is required to effectively treat it. The recommended course of action is to seek professional medical help.

Just as in men, a woman's particular genetic background is a major reason why many women experience hair loss. If certain members of your family suffered from hair loss, it is highly likely that you will have thinner hair or lose your hair as well. This is hard for many women to accept because it is one of the few causes of women's hair loss that they can do nothing about. There is just so much embarrassment and humiliation associated with hair loss in this category. For these women the only alternative is to explore ways to conceal the hair loss, or get transplants.

For women, hair loss and other conditions can occur for a number of reasons. If it helps at all, realize that there are millions of other women who have the same experience. Women and men have equality when it comes to hair loss. So talk to your doctor and find out what your options are. Just realize that you can often do something about it which will empower you.

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