The Best Coping Strategies For An Oily Scalp

By Ruth Barker

You have had a problem with oily hair since you were an adolescent. It drives you to distraction. You've been told by a number of people that it would likely be less of a problem if you just kept your hair short but you like it long. Of course, the issue is not your hair, it is your scalp; hair does not generate oil it only wicks it from the scalp. You've tried all varieties of shampoos for your oily scalp but usually by the time a given product has sufficiently controlled your scalp your hair is far too dry. It is extremely frustrating.

Here are a few strategies you can use to cope.

## Be sure to use the right product.

First of all, you should avoid using 2-in-1 products; what your scalp requires and what your hair needs are two different things. Be sure not to use harsh shampoos as these often irritate and active the sebaceous glands which react by producing more sebum, the oily substance designed to keep hair healthy and lustrous. It is also a good idea to find a shampoo that lists zinc PCA as an ingredient as this actually helps regulate sebum production. Also, when you are using a medicated shampoo on your scalp be sure to leave the lather in place for at least five minutes before rinsing it away.

## Differential use of shampoo and conditioner.

If you find that a shampoo that you are using for your oily scalp is drying out your hair make an effort to better confine its use to the scalp scalp. If you are planning to use conditioner on your hair try as much as possible to keep it off of your scalp.

## Do not over brush.

If you're attempting to control the sebum production of the sebaceous glands avoid over brushing as brushing actually can further activate the glands and increase sebum production.

## Cool water.

You ought to avoid washing and rinsing your hair with hot water. If you can make use of warm or even cool water to wash your hair it will help to close up the sebaceous glands and assist in keeping sebum production down.

If you've a problem with clogged hair follicles or an oily, itchy scalp try out different products and make use of the advice given above. Allow time to judge the effectiveness of a new product. If, ultimately, you are unhappy with the results of all the store bought products available try going online and performing a Google search for "Oily Scalp shampoo" and see what's available to order.

If you're trying to control the oil production of the sebaceous glands avoid over brushing as brushing actually can further activate the glands and increase sebum production.

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