Women's Hair Loss - Did You Know These Facts?

By Elena Lopes

There's practically no difference at all between men and women when it comes to the embarrassing effect of hair loss. The reasons for men hair loss are fairly specific and narrow, yet that is not true for women because there are more causal factors. So why is this true for women? Are there any effective preventive measures women can take? There has always been such a focus on men hair loss, and maybe many men would be surprised to know this about women. We want to share with you just some of the reasons why women can lose their hair.

A woman's capacity to grow hair can be affected by thyroid problems. There are dozens of different thyroid conditions that can affect a woman in as many different ways. Hashimoto's disease and cancer are just several widely known diseases of the thyroid. There are, we know now, a host of other disorders, illnesses and diseases that attack the thyroid and the major symptom of some of these problems is hair loss. You should consult with your family doctor is you experience rapid hair loss for no apparent reason.

One of the more alarming types of female hair loss is telogen effluvium. But it is commonly called, temporary shedding. But the unusual aspect of this is that the shedding occurs at a very quick rate. This shedding occurs after especially traumatic events like surgery or traumas. An event that induces very high emotional distress can even trigger it. All is not lost because the hair loss in this situation is not permanent, and the hair will grow back. However if it's a negative, then that is that you don't know if it'll happen to you.

One big contributor to hair loss in women is menopause. There are numerous changes that occur when menopause hits, and hair loss is among them. It is the post-menopausal period that seems to be the time when the majority of women experience so much hair shedding. The culprit in this scenario is the dramatic drop in estrogen, and then that causes a host of other changes. Yet, even if she begins hormonal replacement at this time, her hair will not return to it's previous state. Talk with your doctor about the other options that are available to you.

There's an inability to control those situations in most cases. Hormone levels and family genetics play a huge role in it. There are permanent conditions of hair loss, while others are temporary in nature. If you notice your hair is thinning, lately, best to make that doctor's appointment and find out what's happening.

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