Treating Male Hair Loss

By Natalie Bonanski

In this day and age, treatment of male pattern baldness leaves many options. Many men around the world are afflicted with male pattern baldness. There is good news, however, of the available options for treatment, many have been proven effective. Hence, leaving those who are seeking for ways to enhance hair growth with varied viable options. A quantity of the following treatments can be found online, as straightforward as ordering Viagra.

Several forms of treatment for this condition come as topical treatments. Some of the topical treatments will require a prescription and some will not. Topical treatments generally come in a gel or lotion form and are applied right on the scalp anywhere loss of hair has been detected. Applications are outlined in a treatment agenda and should not be delineated from. In example, Rogaine, which is a popular topical treatment, should be spread on the necessary part of the scalp two times per day. Using more product or applying it more often than the treatment plan calls for does not influence results. Rogaine is available over the counter, and a prescription is not necessary.

Yet another choice of hair re-growth techniques is oral medication. This sort of treatment does require a prescription from a doctor. Like all medications, drug interactions and side effects are an important part of the equation and prescriptions ought never be shared. Additionally, differing types of oral medications have proven more effective for certain hair loss areas. For example, Propecia has shown success in treatment of hair loss along the hairline as well as in the crown area. To understand how it works, it blocks the enzyme that modifies testosterone into DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, categorizing this type of medication as an antiandrogen. Oral medications will need to continue to be taken to remain effective. After an oral medication is stopped, the hair re-growth is only anticipated to last for six to twelve months.

Hair transplants are one more choice when negotiating male pattern baldness. Though a number of sessions might be required, after the procedure is accomplished, constant upkeep will not be required. Transplants are performed by surgically moving little hair plugs from an active hair growth region to an inactive hair growth area on the scalp of a patient. The nape of the patient's neck is a regular choice to find active hair plugs for relocation. As with all surgical procedures, there is always a risk of infection.

A less invasive course of action is a hair weave or hair piece. This is not technically a medical procedure and would be done by a hair stylist. While hair pieces are attached with adhesive, a hair weave requires the stylist weaving hair pieces into the client's own hair. This will give the overall appearance of longer hair or additional hair. Appointments with a hair stylist will be required regularly in order to maintain this look.

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