What are the Reasons for Women's Hair Loss?

By Eric Huff

All around the globe, women experience and suffer from loss of their hair in equivalent numbers as men. But it's fascinating that women experience this for more reasons then is true for me. What contributes to the struggle women face when it comes to this condition? Are there any effective preventive measures women can take? With so much time and energy being spent on coming up with ways for men to keep or regrow the hair that they have lost does it surprise you to learn just how many women (hundreds of thousands) suffer from hair loss as well? What we would like to do is explain some of those reasons behind hair loss in women.

Thyroid disorders can adversely affect a woman's ability to grow hair. There's a whole range of thyroid conditions that affect women in a variety of ways. The most widely recognized thyroid disorders are Hashimoto's disease and cancer. There are, we know now, a host of other disorders, illnesses and diseases that attack the thyroid and the major symptom of some of these problems is hair loss. So if you are a woman who notices that her hair is suddenly thinning, you should make an appointment to have your doctor check out your thyroid.

It's just like there is no real pattern because it's all over the top.

The primary cause of thinning and baldness in women is alopecia areata. Actually this is a distinct autoimmune type of disorder. And there's no way for you to figure this out all by yourself. It needs to be diagnosed by your doctor. Should you notice that your hair is thinning, then go see your doctor about that. The bright side of this is that it is treatable. The reason it can be treated is due to the fact that it involves the autoimmune functions. Your doctor will be able to help you figure out which type of treatment is best for you and your lifestyle.

It's obvious that women's hair loss does not garner the equivalent amount of public attention than men's hair loss. Maybe this is because women are not "supposed" to lose hair unless they choose to remove it voluntarily. It is perfectly understandable that most women are probably too embarrassed to seek help with this condition. Thankfully this is changing. Before long the common causes of hair loss in women will be very well known.

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