Examining Male Hair Loss Info

By Tatiana Middelfart

Although it's a problem for both men and women, male hair loss is far more common and very difficult to deal with. It is often a traumatic and troubling experience for most, and unfortunately, little can be done to combat the problem. Those who have concerns may want to take the time to gain a bit of insight into the problem.

Male pattern baldness, also known as MPB, is a form of androgenetic alopecia. This very common development is responsible for as much as 95% of all related problems found in men. It is estimated that two-thirds of American men will have problems of this nature by the age of 35. By the age of 50, 85% or men will notice growing problems.

Most are going to find that their condition has been passed down from generation to generation through genetics. This means that men with a family history of MPB will have a dramatically increased risk of developing the condition themselves. Typically, the root cause is due to a sensitivity of the follicles to a substance known as dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. This substance tends to choke the follicles, reducing their lifespan and eventually resulting in a lack of growth.

These problems do not revolve solely around physical changes in the body. There are also many psychological challenges that many men must overcome. For some, it can have a dramatic impact on self esteem and sex drive, as well as serious implications for personal and professional relationships.

An unfortunate aspect of this condition is the fact that there simply is no cure on the horizon. There has been a long history of supposed cures and treatment options, but few have actually offered results. Although there is no cure, there are promising medical treatments on the horizon. Those who take quick action may be able to stem the onset of dying follicles for extended periods of time.

Male hair loss can have a very big initial impact on men, however, most will be able to accept the issue and go on to live normal lives. The stress associated with its development is tough to overcome. Learning about the topic and gaining the support of family and friends is important. Men who are beginning to notice signs of its development should speak with a doctor, as it may be possible to slow development significantly through some treatment options.

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