Steps To Take To Reverse Hair Loss

By Dan Toombs

Hair is continually going through stages of growth, rest and shedding. Studies indicate that a healthy human loses around 100 hairs in 24 hours. If this hair isn't replaced, you tend to grow less hair leading to alopecia (hair loss). This condition affects both men and women and is becoming more prevalent in young people than before.

Hair loss in some cases can be reversed. So if you have been shedding more hair than usual lately, here is the path to follow to ensure that your hair is restored.

Hair restoration begins with identification of the cause of the hair loss. There are a couple of causes and a doctor is the best source of information concerning this. After diagnosis, the doctor will tell you the cause and the best way to approach hair restoration.

Once you find out what is causing the hair loss, you need to find a hair loss treatment product. But before this, you need to know about your hair type. Everyone has their own unique hair. But this falls into two main categories. Natural hair and chemically treated hair. You can also consider your hair either fine or tough.

The reason why you need to know your hair type is that hair loss treatment products are usually designed for a certain type. You wouldn't want to buy a product that isn't meant for your type since it would mean loss if investment, time and possibly more hair!

Once you have identified your hair type and bought a hair loss treatment product, you will need to follow the hair restoration regime religiously. This is where most people get frustrated. It might take long but the best results in hair restoration usually take months to achieve.

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