Exploring Popular Types Of Hair Loss Treatment: Pros And Cons

By Shelly Maxim

Baldness and thinning hair are problems that affect millions of men and women around the world. These things can be distressing and embarrassing, and can hurt self-esteem. This is why many people seek hair loss treatment. There are many different types of remedies advertised to fight this problem. It is important to consider all of the options before deciding what remedy is right for you. Here are some of the types of treatments that are available:

Loss Prevention Drugs

Many of the cream or oil products that claim to prevent loss are nothing but a bunch of claptrap. However, there are drugs that have been officially approved by the FDA to combat the problem. Make sure a treatment has been proven to work before you pay for it. The downside to these drugs is that usually, if they are not started early in the loss process, they are not effective; you must catch it before it progresses too far.

Replacement Pieces

If it is too late for prevention drugs, replacement is another option. Non surgical replacement involves simply purchasing a hair piece to cover the affected area. There are lots of natural and natural-looking pieces on the market. The bases of most pieces are made of either mesh fabric or polymers. Mesh fabrics are very natural looking, but are more expensive and do not hold up very well. Polymers are more affordable and more durable, but they can appear artificial and can be quite uncomfortable to wear. The most natural looking pieces are made of human hair. Because of its delicate nature, these pieces must be cared for very well and replaced periodically.

Surgical Restoration

This process involves taking hairs from the back of one's scalp (which is resistant to loss) and transplanting it to the areas from which there has been loss, While this procedure can definitely be effective if it is done well, it is important to find a doctor who understands the process well and is able to properly inform the patient. This procedure is often pushed by profit-seeking doctors who are not really qualified to perform it. It is important to do your research and find the right doctor.

Losing hair can definitely cause distress, but it need to be a permanent problem. Take advantage of the treatments available to help. Among the false advertising and the bad products, there are also things that truly do work. Take your time to find the solution that is right for you.

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