What are the Reasons for Women's Hair Loss?

By Eric Huff

Everybody knows that men are not thrilled about going bald. What is not as widely known is how much women dread the same thing. All over the world, women in all societies experience this problem. Hair loss in women is a tremendous source of embarrassment, and that's especially true in Western countries. There's an underlying attitude that women should never lose their hair, and the media and entertainment industries only reinforce that notion. So for a woman to lose her hair is almost like losing her femininity and any semblance of beauty. Also, did you know that hair loss happens as much in women as it does in men? We'd like to share some conditions that contribute to hair loss in women.

Hair loss will be affected by exercise and diet for most women. Growing hair requires that a woman gets enough protein, so make sure that you get enough of that in your diet. A lot of diet is common sense, so just make sure you're receiving the right kinds of nutrients including vitamins and minerals specific for women. One of the easiest ways to do this is with a multi-vitamin that you can get from your doctor. You already know how important good exercise is, so just be sure to do something you like and is safe. Just in case you didn't know, we'll mention that smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol can contribute to hair loss, not to mention the health concerns.

Pregnancy is another condition that can have a huge impact on a woman's hair. It can go either way, some women lose hair while others grow more. The 'lucky' women who grew all that hair will lose it fairly quickly after the baby is born.

It can be quite alarming, especially if this is your first pregnancy. However once the body chemistry and hormones return to normal then things will settle down with the hair. So just don't get stressed about it because it's all normal and not permanent.

There can sometimes be a chronic condition that will produce the sympton of hair loss. But the thing to remember is that it is the medicine that is responsible for the hair loss in some of these situations. Also, in other cases besides the thyroid, the hair loss is one of the symptons that helps your doctor narrow down the condition. Chronic conditions can be difficult for anyone, male or female, because it is lasting and permanent. These illnesses are not so much cured as they are maintained. Unfortunately, in these cases it is not always possible to change medications or treat the hair loss. But there are alternatives regarding hair loss, and your doctor can make suggestions for you.

For women, hair loss and other conditions can occur for a number of reasons. But it may help to know that there are many others who are going through the same situation. Women and men have equality when it comes to hair loss. You can find out what you can do about it from your family doctor. Just because other women suffer doesn't mean you have to just let your hair go!

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