The top 5 Herbs to Stop Hair Loss

By Diane Ross

Alopecia is a serious problem for those above 35, especially men. The general public grow exasperated with the various hair loss cures because they just don't deliver what was guaranteed. Hair loss can cause many issues, including low pride, mental strain and even poor communication abilities.

If you are looking for herbs to address your alopecia issues, you've come to the right place. These are some herbs that you can use for your alopecia Problems. They may help to increase the blood flow in your scalp and excite hair growth too. But always seek a doctor's counsel before you take any herbs.

Chamomile. This flower has powerful calming properties and has been used for centuries due to its capability to induce sleep. Chamomile can be employed to deal with dandruff also , which could be a cause of alopecia. Using chamomile oil on the scalp will also help in promoting healthy capillaries that supply blood to your scalp and follicles.

Dong Quai. A popular chinese herb that contains phytoestrogens and is believed to reduce the formation of DHT, which leads to baldness. Studies have shown that phytoestrogens can stabilise and even reverse the results of baldness. Dong quai is popular with chinese women as it helps to regulate the reproductive cycle and even relieve cramps.

Ginseng. It stimulates the growth of hair and improves circulation round the hair scalp. It also help to nourish and strengthen hair, so forestalling feeble or damaged hair. Ginseng is also known to promote overall contentment as it helps lower cholesterol levels, increases our critical energy, fights fatique and even lowers blood sugar levels in diabetic folk.

He Shou Wu. This is another chinese herb which has been used for decades and is the most important ingredient found in many commercial hair loss remedies. He Shou Wu is known to help keep the black color in hair and forestall early alopecia. There are also studies to show that it reinforces the immune response and increases the formation of red blood cells, which are required for carrying oxygen around the body.

Rosemary. Rosemary is renowned for exciting healthy hair growth. This plant is in use since the early Egyptian times and the Romans have used it as a sacred plant to the gods. It is believed to slow down or perhaps stop hair loss. Rosemary oils is also helpful to dandruff Problems.

So these are the top 5 herbs that you can use in your hair loss treatment.

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