Powerful Hair Loss Treatment Alternatives For All

By Shelly Maxim

Hair loss treatment comes in several forms. Most will match their course of action with the severity of loss. Though, the acceptance of a balding head is more common, for those who wish for more strands, they have alternatives. For many people, a thinning scalp is associated with the commonly known male pattern baldness. The more scientific term is androgenetic alopecia. With years of research, man and women have more alternatives to balding than ever.

Most consider aging as the primary reason one goes bald. The idea of a man of a certain age with a sparsely covered scalp has validity. The older one becomes, the thinner the locks are. This affects women, too. Sadly, one-fourth of men under the age of twenty-one will experience male pattern baldness. The hormone responsible for this is dihydrotestosterone. With DHT, follicles become smaller, until hair can no longer come through. Those seeking help can use DHT blocking options or lean toward minor surgical intervention.

Rogaine or minoxidil is an over-the-counter option proven to block DHT and stimulate growth. Users must apply the product regularly. In areas where deficiency is most noticeable, they may not see as many results, if any. This makes Rogaine most beneficial to those in the early stages of thinning. If a user decodes to cease application of this product, any new strands will fall out.

Finasteride, sold under the brand name Propecia, is an FDA approved DHT blocker. Just like Rogaine, it blocks dihydrotestosterone production to prevent the follicle from shrinking further and works to enhance growth in areas where there is thinning.

Another way to deal with thinning locks involves transplant. This option uses donor follicles resistant to falling out, usually pulled from the back part of the scalp. These donor follicles are rooted in the part of the scalp where little or no growth occurs. There is some redness and slight swelling right after. In about a week after a session, redness fades.

A person not seeing the results they would like with medication might consider hair transplants. The transplant will appear in thin strands that grow fuller as time passes. Because this is lasting, users will not have to bother with taking any medication on time or rubbing product on their scalps at regular intervals.

Even with the significance of hair loss treatment alternatives, there may be other forces at work. Some people are not losing their locks because of androgen, but due to poor diet or sickness. It is best to rule out any problems before effecting action for strand loss.

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