Cause Of Hair Loss: Have You Thought About Natural Treatment?

By Gael Sondheim

For those wondering about hair falling treatment, it's worth knowing that a full head of hair contains about 100,000 shafts or hair strands. That seems a lot, but we all lose on average 100 hairs every day. At that rate, if the hairs didn't replace themselves to give you some hair regrow, we'd be completely bald after just 1,000 days! And it's not unusual for adults, both men and women, to notice that their hair is getting thinner by the age of 30 or so.

Now we have all observed that baldness is more common in men than in women, as we get older. Men's hair also seems to disappear more quickly than women's too. The scientific name for hair loss is "alopecia". An even more impressive medical name given is "androgenetic alopecia".

Is there anything unusual about you if it's you that's losing your hair right now and wondering about your cause of hair loss? Probably nothing exceptional, but a common factor in hair loss is the heredity or genetic make-up factor. You can also lose hair as a result of hormone activity and stress, affecting you physically.

A healthy hair that falls out of your head would normally be replaced inside about six months. It would usually take the falling hair anywhere between about three and about eight years to get to that stage. That variation in hair life can be a direct result of how you were genetically "wired" before you were born and it is believed that their personal genetics are responsible for approximately 95% of cases of men's hair loss.

When your head sheds a hair, it falls out of what is called a "hair follicle" on your scalp. A new hair regrow eventually replaces it from the same follicle. However, for those experiencing true hair loss, what you will notice is that there is a so-called "miniaturization" thing happening, whereby the hair growth cycle shortens and the hair replacements are finer and the density of the hair is becoming thinner.

Most baldness is really the result of the body's hormones interacting with hair follicles that are sensitive or easily influenced. Both men and women produce male hormones in their bodies - although women mostly to a much smaller extent. What happens is that a hormone called DHT binds itself to the accepting hair follicles and they slowly get weaker as a result. There are drugs that assist in providing hair falling treatment and they inhibit the formation of DHT. These are helpful with some people in helping reduce their rate of hair loss.

Not all hair loss is or needs to be permanent. It is possible you can achieve hair regrow. There are some causes of temporary hair loss that can be treated by adjusting the diet, reducing stress levels and, by perhaps just having a good talk with your GP or doctor. Your nutrition, the state of your general health and, of course, your age can all be factors affecting both temporary and permanent hair loss.

Sometimes hair loss can be caused by the onset of disease. If you have a low blood-iron level (which you might get without showing signs of anemia) or if you suffer from neuroses or hormonal upsets, you may be prone to some hair loss. You also need to be alert for some of the detergents found in various hair sprays and shampoos as your reaction could be a moderate cause of hair loss. Hair is also lost each time you shampoo, dry and brush your hair.

As well as the use of drugs, there are other hair falling treatment methods you can apply, including various lotions and hair care products, or, of course, hair replacement systems. The more radical approach is to opt for surgery that gives you hair transplants. But please don't overlook the range of natural treatments that are available to help restore your hair and beat the cause of hair loss.

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